Jay Daley, your relationship & intimacy coach

Intimacy & Relationship Coaching

I envision a world where sensuality is recognized as our 7th sense, enabling a new and profound way of feeling and existing. 

Does this sound familiar?

You wake up feeling the empty space where your partner’s arms used to be, holding you tightly. He’s already out of bed getting ready for work – those morning snuggles have faded into an increasingly distant memory. 

As you scroll through your photos from 5 years ago on your phone, you feel a pinch in your stomach. Your waistline isn’t what it used to be, and the wrinkles on your forehead are more pronounced. Since your partner showed you much more affection and desire back then, you silently wonder whether he’s still attracted to you. Or did he mention that new colleague, Sally, for a reason?

You have a glass of wine after work which used to activate that undeniable magnetism that lay dormant during the workdays, often leading you to end up in bed. Now, that glass of wine just leads to an awkward “how was work?”. You try to hide your disappointment. Maybe you’re being too demanding? 

Your partner snores next to you. You should feel satisfied – you ended the night with one of those increasingly rare moments of intimacy. Yet to your despair, you feel empty inside. Sex doesn’t satisfy you like it used to. You’re starving for trying new things and re-awakening those playful, explorative energies, but aren’t sure how to bring it up with your partner without him taking offense. 

You reach for your phone. You had a misunderstanding with a colleague and your impulse was to text your partner. He used to be the one you turned to when things got rough – and when you had something to celebrate. But as the distance between you has grown, you don’t feel comfortable talking to him anymore. You end up scrolling Facebook instead, your feed overflowing with beautiful, happy couples… which only adds to your feelings of sadness and loneliness. 

You see a colleague texting her partner and feel a pang of jealousy. You remember the times when your partner used to sneak flirtatious notes in your bag, telling you how he couldn’t wait to finish work and rip off your clothes. These days, you come home to him having a beer in front of the TV. It feels like living with a roommate rather than a lover – and a lazy one at that! You silently wonder how the distance between the two of you happened… all that seems to be left is disappointment. 

If you recognize any of the above, know that you’re not alone.

There’s nothing wrong with you, and you are NOT asking for too much.

The good news?

The path to more connection, intimacy, and passionate sex might be shorter and simpler than you believe.

Imagine instead ...

You wake up to the warmth of your partner as he holds you tight. You feel gratitude and love overflowing, thinking, How did I get so lucky? His warm embrace reminds you that in a chaotic world, you always have each other – and that’s all that matters. 

You smile at yourself in the mirror, noticing how your body is gracefully changing. The love and affection between you and your partner only grows stronger with the years. You never have to doubt his attraction to you. He makes it his mission to remind you how much he loves every part of you, and that no matter how many options he might have, he’ll always choose you.

After a long day at work, you come home to your partner. He has already poured you a glass of wine and prepared some snacks. But as you start talking, and he makes you laugh so hard your stomach hurts, you soon forget about the fine wine and cheese platter and turn to other pleasures instead. The passion between you is electric, and he entices you to the bedroom just as he did when you first met.

You feel filled with bliss and love as your partner sleeps noisily beside you. The night ended with a beautiful moment of lovemaking that left you feeling satisfied on all levels. You both openly share your desires and fantasies without fear of being judged, enjoying the playful energy that keeps things fresh and alive.

After a misunderstanding with a colleague that could escalate into conflict, you reach for your phone to text your partner. He’s always been your rock and knows just how to cheer you up when you need it most. His dedication to you and your relationship is deeply touching, and soon you forget the stressful moment.

You check your phone, and the message from your partner makes you laugh. You love how the two of you stay connected when apart, effortlessly shifting from playful and flirty to supportive and loving messages, along with the occasional social media reel. Even though you have separate interests, you both prioritize spending quality time together. Over the years, your love only grows stronger.

Jay Daley, your intimacy coach

I'm Jay Daley and I help mature women in long-term relationships to rekindle the passion and connection they once had with their partners.

If I had known this back in 2008 ...

It wasn’t just the year of the financial crisis.

It was also the year of a personal crisis:

The year I filed for divorce.

Success Stories

I loved this process ... I now feel so calm, so peaceful, so grounded. It's interesting that I can think about those situations that would make me angry and just feel so much peace right now.

Alyce E.

Working with Jay and the erotic blueprint model helped me understand more clearly how I prefer to be interacted with and connect intimately not only in a romantic sense, but also in platonic relationships. The technique helped me move past my unconscious blocks that tripped me up in communicating clearly and having the confidence in asking for what I need.

Kim K.

I had worked with Jay intermittently for a few years. But then there was an event in my family that caused me lots of anger. I sought out Jay for help. Within no time at all, I was able to get my anger under control and relax and refocus on self-care.

Betty B.

Coaching Package Details

If you want to learn the language of your body and pleasure, deepen your confidence in bed, and feel desired by your partner, I’d love to support you! Book a call to discover how we could work together.


6 months

What's Included

A Passionate Possibilities Call to clarify your desires.

5 Accelerated Evolution Sessions to dismantle resistances.

Monthly 1-hour coaching calls.

A transformative half-day immersion session.

Completion and Integration Call for next steps.

Direct email/text access for immediate feedback.

Exciting rewards for completing challenges.

Activities Each Month

1. Deliciously Determining Your Erotic Blueprint: Understand your pleasures and create deep connections.

2. Pleasure Platter: What’s on the MenuKeep joy alive and become magnetic to your partner.

3. Tricks of the Tongue: Seductive LanguageMaster flirting to re-spark passion in your relationship.

4. Pleasure Principle: Healing Your BlueprintsOvercome shadows and claim your authentic sexuality.

5. Double Dare You: Expand Your BlueprintEndless excitement and deeper connections await.

6. Becoming the Author of Your Erotic Story: Realize the endless possibilities of a lifetime of hot sex.

Fast-Action Bonuses

Access to exclusive Erotic Blueprint videos and resources.

Erotic Freedom Club membership for ongoing support.

10 comprehensive Erotic Blueprint guides.

2-hour Color Reading to discover your and your partner’s points of coherence and points of challenge.

A personalized healing meditation.

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